SWITZERLAND - Switzerland - [trade]
We are an international marketing/logistics/distribution company based in Cham ,
Switzerland. Under our umbrella we have leading brands who have entrusted us their
expansion in various markets. Our product portfolio ranges from Pioneering Cosmetics, OTC,
Food Supplements and all Health Care products that a successful National/Regional
Distributor Requires.
Our products are mainly of Swiss, European and USA origin and their pioneering nature is
the guarantee for their success. We have already established successful networks in
Europe, Middle East, Africa and Far East. If you are a Manufacturer of PIONEERING products
or a national distributor interested in enriching your portfolio with successful products
then please feel free to contact us. Our success is based on our humane and highly
professional approach of all our associates. Proplan & Partner
Limited - Switzerland - [Cleaning]
We are international product brokers in FMCP and a network of associates. Proplan
started in 1975. Proplan & Partner Ltd, located in Switzerland, is the export office
of Buck-Chemie GmbH, Germany, a leading manufacturer specialising in toilet-care products.
Buck-Chemie is strong in R&D and has got to offer patented innovative products.
Ultimate Health and
Beauty - Switzerland - [Beauty products ]
Wholesale and retail sales of international anti aging beauty products.
Sevim SA - Switzerland -
Distributor of self-heating ready meals. Self-heating means not having to use any
external sources such as microwaves, ovens etc. You can now enjoy a hot meal anywhere,
anytime. You do not have to refrigerate the meal and can store it anywhere you wish. It
has an eighteen month lifespan. Its commercial brand names are QuickCuisine, HotBox etc.
Our self-heating meals are the most convenient and up to date on the market. Wide choice
of delicious menus produced in our high-tech factories which also manufacture microwavable
meals and canned food. Halal and Kosher meals are also available. Full EC, FDA / USDA,
health and safety certification available upon request.
Luvaqui Trading Switzerland -
Switzerland - [Trade]
We are a company of export of products Peruvians of high quality. We work to give you best
image of Peru at the world through our products as the cochineal (carmine) Tara ( tannin )
cotton pima and others.
Luvaqui Trading - Switzerland - [Food]
We are a company for the commercialization of peruvian products. We offer you a kind of
natural products made in peru as: cochineal, carmin of cochineal(E-120), tara gum,
paprika, curcuma, extravirgin oil 100% vegetal etc. We offer you the posibilities
development commercial of your request,we have a database of producer from peru,we can
prepare a file technique, sample of your request and price.
- Switzerland
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[Banks] Bank von Ernst
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Cantonale Vqaudoise
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SCS Alliance
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[Banks] BSI - Banca della Svizzera Italiana
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[Banks] Credit Suisse Home Page
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Habib Bank AG Zurich
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Hottinger & Cie
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[Banks] Kreditanstalt Grabs
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- [Banks] Migros Bank
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& Cie
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- [Banks] Sparkassa Berneck
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- [Banks] Swiss Bank Corporation
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[Banks] Swiss Banks Directory
- Switzerland
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[Banks] Thurgauer Kantonalbank
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Bank of Switzerland
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[Banks] Zurcher Kantonalbank
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[Directory] Appenzeller Branchenverzeichnis
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[Directory] CH Business Directory
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- [Directory] Die Schweizer Gelben Seiten.
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Infonautics dir of Switzerland [0062]
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Swiss Export
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[Directory] PTC- Yellowpages
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[Directory] Swiss Companies
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[Directory] Swiss Firms
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[Directory] Swisscom directories
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Wald ZH
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Zentraler Firmenindex
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World Factbook
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News and Int'l Report
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[Info] Swiss Business and Economy
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Aktuell Obwalden
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- [Media] Freiburger Nachrichten
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Geneva News
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- [Media] L'Objectif
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Neue Zuricher Zeitung
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[Media] RegArt
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[Media] The New Swiss Internet Magazine
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Tribune de Genève
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- Switzerland - [Money]
Bourse.ch-- The Swiss Exchange
- Switzerland - [Money] Swiss
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[Search] Bellnet-Internetverzeichnis
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Lycos Switzerland
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[Search] Search.ch - The Swiss Search Engine
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SwissGuide Classic Search
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- [Search] Webindex Schweiz
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Yoooooodle !
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[Stock] SWX Swiss Exchange
- Switzerland - [Trade]
CH Non-Food Import-Export Trade Market
SA [Switzerland]
We are a Swiss company specialized in volume trading of high quality computer
commodities and peripherals including CPUs, hard drives, memory modules, CD-r media
and much more. Our trading division has a broad horizon and looks for customers worldwide,
especially in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom,
Italy, Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, The Middle East and
the USA.