Address: 4 Windsor Close
Zipcode: ST15 0LD
City: Staffordshire
Country: UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1785811135
Fax: +44 (0) 1785811135
Interlingual Translation Services was established to provide French and Spanish into English translations in a wide range of subject areas. Document types include; correspondence, brochures, catalogues, advertising texts, web pages, operating instructions and the majority of other techinical and business material. We also work with several qualified linguists who carry out our proofreading and whose expertise is available for consultation, providing an additional quality control measure. We offer competitive rates and a high level of service from the start to finish of our projects. Although primarily a provider of technically accurate and stylistically appropriate translations and a high-quality proofreading service, Interlingual Translation Services also provides language tuition upon request.
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