Address: 11 Julius Street
Zipcode: M19 2TL
City: Manchester
Country: UK
Tel: +44 161 4428396 / +44 7984 029 957
Polaris Translation provides fast, accurate translations from Russian, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish into British and American English. Polaris gives a simple, personal, effective solution to your communication problems, whether translating contracts and correspondence or technical writing and travel visas. All translations are checked and proofread against the original source texts to ensure peace of mind at an affordable price. The highest professional standards of accuracy and service are upheld and, of course, all texts are held in the strictest confidence and no details will be divulged to third parties. I'm qualified to provide translations in the following fields; Advertising, Agriculture, Banking, Building, Contracts, Entertainment, Finance, Legislation, Marketing, Media, Medicine, Petroleum industry, Scientific & Technical, Transport
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