Address: 21, chemin des Ragots
Zipcode: 25000
City: Besancon
Country: France, Metropolitan
Tel: 00 33 381 538 775
Fax: 00 33 381 538 775
Commercial and technical translations from English to French. Examples - Adaptation/translation of a magazine for an international fashion chain store (via World Writers, 29, Clerkenwell Road, London +00 44 207 287 4877) — Adaptation/translation of an advertising project for a Japanese car manufacturer — Adaptation/translation of an advertising project for a multinational sportswear company — Adaptation/translation of an advertising project for an A/V equipment manufacturer — Adaptation/translation of internal communication documents et audit reports for an international banking corporation. — 7 years of literary translation (Clive Cussler, Jane Hamilton, Paul Kemprecos, Gene Hackman and Daniel Lenihan). thanks to this experience, I am used not only to translate, but also to adapt in an vivid and elegant style any kind of texts. Complete CV on request. Usual rates; £90 or $150 per 1000 words (rates can be discussed depending on lenght of copy, difficulty, etc., or on the type of collaboration required)
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