J R Militello Realty Inc was founded by Jim Militello and Jerry Workman in 1989 in response to the demand for technical expertise in today's changing and highly complex real estate market. The firm is staffed by real estate professionals with extensive experience in matters of finance, marketing, development and government.
In a short period of time, Militello Realty has grown to become one of the largest commercial brokers in Western New York. Its computer capabilities and real estate knowledge database are unparalleled in this market.
Our licensed real estate brokers and sales agents include Michael R Alpern, Carey Anderson, Paul Buck, Carl Buzak, Kelly Green, Michael Hollander, Peter Jaremka, Ed Mills and Scott Roth. Tom Kinsella gives us an in-house appraisal capability. JoAnn DiGiulio and Mike Sweitzer provide research and other support services. Additional employees, sales agents, and strategic partners are available to assist in specific projects and transactions.
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