Buying or selling a home is the largest financial transaction most people make. This can be daunting unless you have someone representing you who will take the time to get to know you and your special needs, then explain what you need to know to make informed decisions.
Georgia Ellis knows the Real Estate profession inside and out, and she loves helping people find the home of their dreams. Georgia is a Broker Associate and a Graduate of the Realtor Institute (GRI), specializing in residential and investment property all over San Diego. She is a long time resident of San Diego (45+ years), which is a benefit to her clients, Because Georgia Knows San Diego!
Georgia studies the market daily. She has experienced many different markets and gained a wealth of knowledge in dealing with various conditions. She utilizes the latest technology to provide her clients with the most current information. If you list or buy with Georgia, you can rest assured that your concerns and your home will be her top priority.
Georgia is very involved with the community where she lives and works.She has served as a member of the San Diego Board of Realtors Government Affairs Committee. Fund drives for YMCA, and the American Cancer Society, serving as a Point Loma Foundation and Alumni Association Board Member and Coronado Main Street Board Member, and the Junior League of San Diego keep Georgia busy!
Georgia has worked with many agents and has earned wide respect from her colleagues in the brokerage community. She is known for being very cooperative to work with and is committed to full and diligent service during and after the transaction. Just call or click to reach her.
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