
Topic : insurance
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- Australia
Securities & Investment Commission, Insurance Portal - ASIC is responsible for
consumer protection legislation and administers the Insurance Contracts Act. It is also
responsible for the registration of brokers.
- Australian Prudential
Regulation Authority (APRA) - Responsible for prudential regulation of the financial
sector and the authorising of insurers.
- The
Bahamas - Captive Insurance - Describes regulatory environment aimed at making The
Bahamas an international insurance centre. Captive insurance "insures the risks of
its owners who are not in the business of insurance."
- Bulgaria
- Insurance Supervision Agency - Offers information on the activity of the Agency, the
insurance market in Bulgaria, a register with the licensed insurers and insurance brokers,
and insurance legislation. [Bulgarian, English]
- Georgia -
Insurance State Supervision Service Of Georgia - Participates in policy decisions,
coordinates activity, promotes development of the insurance industry, and supervises
insurance activities. [Georgian, English]
- Guernsey
Financial Services Commission, Insurance - Site offers both promotional and regulatory
information for insurance in the Bailiwick of Guernsey.
- Hong Kong - Office
of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) - Ensures that the interests of policy holders
or potential policy holders are protected and promotes the general stability of the
insurance industry.
- India - Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) - Established by Parliament to protect the
interests of the policyholders, to regulate, promote, and ensure orderly growth of the
insurance industry.
- Ireland
- Insurance Section: Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment (DETE) - Provides
information of use to companies, consumers, students, and public representatives. Includes
guidelines and policy documents.
- Isle of Man - Insurance
and Pensions Authority - Presentation of the jurisdiction's regulatory environment and
contact information. Claims to "deter the unscrupulous without hindering forward
thinking dynamic companies".
- Jersey Financial Services
Commission, Insurance - Provides regulatory information concerning legislation, codes
of practice, and policy.
- Latvia - Financial and
Capital Market Commission - Protects the interests of investors, depositors and the
insured, and promotes the development and stability of financial and capital markets.
[Latvian, English]
- New Zealand - Insurance
and Superannuation Unit (ISU) - Part of the Ministry of Economic Development. ISU
supervises compliance of insurance companies and registered superannuation schemes. Site
includes reports, newsletters, rating schedules, and forms.
- Philippines - Insurance
Commission - Part of the Department of Finance. Protects the insuring public and
ensures the financial stability of the industry in order that all legitimate claims are
met promptly and equitably.
- Romania -
Insurance Supervisory Commission - Independent authority which actively seeks to
protect the insured's rights and to promote a stable insurance environment. [site in
Romanian and English]
- Singapore
- Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Insurance - Regulates insurance, banking, and
equities, and conducts Singapore's monetary policy. Insurance information is found in many
of the major sections of the site.
- Slovenia
- Insurance Supervisory Authority of the Republic of Slovenia - Part of the Ministry
of Finance. Handles business relating to the founding, operations supervision and closure
of insurance companies and companies conducting other insurance business.
- South
Africa - Insurance Department - Part of the Financial Services Board (FSB). The
Department consists of two divisions: Registration and Policy, and Prudential Supervision.
- Taiwan - Department
of Insurance - Site mostly in Chinese. Documents in English include annual reports and
the Insurance Laws & Regulations of the Republic of China.
- United Kingdom -
Financial Services Authority (FSA) - Independent body which regulates financial
services. Site is organized by topic, not business class. Thus insurance content will be
found in topics such as News, Consumer Help, and Industry Help.