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Groupe IDEXPO, created in 1971 by Michel Beaucourt, specialises in organising and promoting national and international congresses, scientific, technical and commercial exhibits.

Since 2002, IDEXPO and the Forum Editions press group have joined forces to form, with the contribution of other communication groups, a key player in professional communication.

Its international experience through the organisation of over 400 congresses in France, Europe and overseas territories, and its role as publisher of professional periodicals in high-end sectors, represented in major countries, create an irreplaceable relational network which can be easily implemented for the specific needs of each client.

Working for its institutional partners, associations and professional groupings for the past 30 years, IDEXPO has designed and developed a powerful computing tool to manage and promote congresses while integrating the parameters of the Congress/Exhibit concept.

This is the specialty of IDEXPO: meeting the constraints and expectations of participants and exhibitors with the constant goal of satisfying both in a relaxed working atmosphere conducive to the establishment of scientific, technical, commercial—and above all, human—relations.

Discover the world of IDEXPO at www.idexpo.com

48-50, rue Benoit Malon
94250 Gentilly
Tel: + 33 (0)1.41 98.40.00.
Fax: + 33 (0)
E-mail: info@idexpo.com 

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