Bárd company profile


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services - Ireland


Company: Bárd
Address: Ballingeary
Zipcode: na
City: Cork
Country: Ireland
Tel: +353 264 7330
Fax: +353 264 7340
url: http://www.bardnangleann.com

Bárd is an information management company headquartered in Cork, Ireland with 3 additional offices around Ireland and a subsidiary company, Bárd na nGleann International, in Silicon Valley, California. The Bárd Group provides technical writing, outsourcing, and Irish language services. Bárd technical writing clients include multi-national companies like; Cisco, Nortel Networks, Teletech, Amdocs International, etc. Irish language translation www.freastal.ie, include translation for more than fifty Irish government agencies and the EU government. Bárd's eCommerce site, www.litriocht.com sells Irish language books in more than 50 countries. Eleaarning Irish language training site www.gaeltalk.net provides live classes from the Gaeltacht to students in more than a dozen countries.

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