Country directory -
Hotel directory

Other useful resources:
- Asia Pacific Management Forum -
Original restaurant, bar, and entertainment reviews for travellers to capital cities in
the Asia Pacific.
- Asia
Travel Tips - Extensive collection of travel tips and advice for all Asian countries.
- Backpack
Asia - Provides information on budget and independent travel throughout Asia including
most hot destinations.
- Colors
of Asia - Photos, Expats' travel tips & Hotel booking. Photo gallery and travel
tips for Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
- Custom Tour Guide | Photos of Asia
and South Asia - Personal tour guide, travel planner and consultant to remote and
exotic third-world destinations. Ideal for very small groups or individuals seeking a
customized and safe trip.
- Hugh's
Asia Travel Guide - A guide to travel sources and country information for Southeast
and East Asia.
- Imperial
Tours - Offers luxury travel and package tour to China and Tibet.
- The
Internet Travel Guide - A series of travel guides written by Peter M. Geiser.
- Leon Kaye's Travel Home Page - Information
on travel in East and Southeast Asia.
- Luxury
Travel: The Silk Road - History, maps, hotels and destination information for all
countries along the once great trade route.
- Passplanet
- a travel guide that offers backpacking information about China, Macau and south-east
- Travel Information and Photos - Photos,
travel tips, and maps for destinations in India and Indonesia.
- Travel
Notes - Extensive information for travellers to Asia.
- Thailand and Indonesia message boards and visitor information, including a guide to
businesses which should be avoided.